Next Day Delivery
Based In the UK
British Standard Approved
Competitive Prices
Concrete Screws From £6.50 per 100
£6.50 for 100 7.5x60mm screws
£10.00 for 100 7.5x100mm screws
£17.50 for 100 7.5x180mm screws
Hardened Yellow Zinc
Next Day Delivery Option

Excellent Tensile & Tear Strength
BS5534 Compliant In All Wind Zones
Cutting Grid For Easy Installation
BBA Approved For Use In Roofs & Walls
New In!
POLYTOPS® Number Plate Screws
For Electric Vehicle (EV) plates
100 Screws Per Box
Choose 18mm or 24mm
From Just £8 for 100
Glazing Packers From £8.80 per 1000
£18.00 for 1000 32mm (4mm) packers
£36.00 for 1000 24mm mixed packers
£41.00 for 1000 28mm mixed packers
ISO Colour Coding
Mixed Bags or One Size
Next Day Delivery Option
What Is Breathable Roofing Membrane?
Breathable roofing membrane is the ideal solution to keeping your roof free from moisture and dampness. Furthermore, it protects against rain and snow. Provided in varying sizes and BRE Approved, you can rely on Fix Direct for high quality roofing membrane.
Need A Quote For Your Roofing Project?

Features & Benefits of Concrete Screws
Whether you are securing windows, doors, or fastening materials, the choice of fixings and screws can significantly impact

Breathable Roofing Membrane For Outbuildings
The benefits and uses of breathable roofing membrane Breathable roofing membrane is a material that contains many practical

Why POLYTOPS Nails and Pins are the best fasteners for Fascia and Soffits
If you are planning to spend several £1000’s to fit new fascia’s and soffits on your house, you

How are glazing packers used?
Glazing packers are an important element for professional installation of window units. By levelling up the units to

Do I need Wall Plugs with Fix Direct screw products?
It all depends on the application and what screw fastener you are using. We have a range screw

Numberplate Screws For The Automotive Trade
Fix Direct stocks a wide range of numberplate screws including our latest green-capped variety, specially designed for electric

Selecting The Best Screws & Fixings For Your Outdoor Project
There are a vast variety of screws and fixings available, all with subtle differences in relation to the

How To Install Breathable Roofing Membrane
It is quite simple to install roofing membrane, but important to follow installation steps correctly. When laying breathable